These cute guys are modified from Christine Manitz's Easter Bunny pattern. The original pattern calls for the bunnies to be felted, but since most of my felting experiments end up slightly misshapen I wanted to make these bunnies non-felted to retain their cuteness.
For the most part I followed the pattern as written. I reduced the needle size drastically to make a nice firm fabric that had some body and didn't let the stuffing show though. One of the only changes I made was to switch the 'knit into the front and back' increases to 'knit into the row below' increases since I didn't want the little bar that is created with the kfb to show on my unfelted bun. I also shortened the length of the body, neck, and head since I wasn't losing any length in felting.
I wanted to be able to play around with the positioning of ears a little, so I bent some thin wire into ear shapes and inserted them.

Finally, I wanted to make sure the bunnies stood up by themselves without falling over. This was accomplished by sewing a little bean bag (filled with dry lentils - I felt they were heavier than rice per volume) into the base.

Cutting the felt.
One half fits the interior diameter of the bun base,
the other is larger to form a pocket for the lentils.

Filling the base.
The lentil are a snack for my hub's
spiny-tailed lizard. Don't tell her I stole some!

The completed UFO-shaped base.

Sewing the base into the bun, so the flat side is down.
Oh and I pinked up the ears with a little of my favorite eyeshadow, Bobbi Brown Pink Sugar. I tried twice to embroider a face but my pathetic skills actually make the bunnies less cute. So plain it is!
And just in case there are not quite enough photos in this thread I'll show you a few more bunnies I made for Easter dessert with the family.

Wilton cake pan

Red Velvet Bunny Cakes
A pastry chef I am not, but they were delicious!
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