Wednesday, January 7

Finished: Felted Cat Bed

I just realized that I never gave my one and only Christmas knit a finished object post. This is the "Kitty Pi" bed from WendyKnits. I missed the boom of people making these by about 4 years I think, but oh well. I thought Maggie might enjoy it. (I was actually thinking that maybe she would at least be interested in it, not just sniff it once and then ignore it forever.)



Post felting (duh):

Felted Cat Bed

With cat:

Kitty Pi cat bed

She likes it! Sweet. It really is making me ridiculously happy that she is sleeping in it.

Pattern: Felted Cat Bed from WendyKnits (on Ravelry)
Yarn: Paton's Classic Wool Dark Gray and Leaf Green held together; About 1.5 balls of each.
Needles: size 11US dpns and size 15US 29" circulars

Those huge needles just about killed my hands. It's a good thing it was so fast to knit, I don't think I could have worked with them for much longer. I was very happy that the sides stood up on their own once the bed was dry since I've seen lots of photos of cat beds on Ravelry with droopy sides. But it doesn't matter in the end, since she mashes them down and makes more of a "cat mat" with it anyway.

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