June 24-26 was the
Fiber and Folk Art Fair in Grayslake, IL. It was their 5th anniversary and the 4th year I've attended. It's wonderful living only 20 minutes away from such a fun event - I was able to go all three days. Ironically the 26th was hubby's and my 6th anniversary.
Where to start.
I had been looking forward to this weekend for months, even though I haven't done much knitting, spinning, or general crafting since we moved in March. I had signed up for an all day class on Friday (drafting techniques) and two half day classes on Saturday(plying techniques and spinning self striping yarn). Sunday my Mom drove up to shop the market with me.
Last year at the fair, I received a message during the class I had on Sunday that I needed to drive home asap to see my Grandma
for the last time. I
still haven't unpacked my purchases from the market that day. It's just has too many memories tied up in it.
I was a little nervous about this year but was looking forward to making some new happy memories. Except that the weekend before, my Grandpa passed away.
It was (is) a whole emotional mess of sadness to be without him and relief that he's with Omi and no longer in pain.
So I went to my classes and learned a lot and Mom and I went to the market and had a fun time. But I couldn't shake the sad little gray cloud over my head. And when my phone rang in the middle of a class with my Dad's cell number I probably freaked out more than necessary. Especially since it was just my parents calling to leave a message to show off the Bluetooth connection thingy in their new truck. (I still don't think it was the most thoughtful thing for them to do...)
Here are the fun things I purchased:

A few spinning tools I've wanted for a while, a swift(!!!!), some pretty sock yarn, a few patterns, and an amazing little drop spindle that I'll show off in another post.
I'm definitely going to be going to the Fair next year, and I encourage anyone nearby to go as well. They have a huge selection of classes with wonderful teachers and the market is always packed with goodies. And the polish food booth is not to be missed!
Although if something happens next year around this time I think I'll take the hint and stop going.