Tuesday, July 14

Last Weekend, In Pictures

Still not doing much knitting as I would like. For some reason, even though the days are longer in the summer I feel like I have fewer hours to squeeze everything in.

Somewhere along the line, I stopped blogging about everyday things and I sort of miss it. I think about starting again frequently, but then think that an 'everyday' post might seem too random. I am going to jump back in slowly by telling your about my weekend in a slideshow.


Steve's Car
100,000 miles on Steve's car

Reggie models the new couch
New couch! (Reggie models.)


Swallowtail lace closeup
A little knitting.


Nascar Race in Joliet, IL

Pit stop.

Sears Tower on the horizon (about 30 miles away).

Arrive home at 3am. Sleep most of the day. Get up, make blueberry pancakes for lunch/dinner, take a nap on the couch.

Sorry, didn't think to take any photos of this!

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