I am making the Trellis Lace scarf from IK Spring 06 (on Ravelry) as a Mother's Day gift. Here is the start I have so far:

That little piece of fluff is about two weeks of work. I am on the 7th pattern repeat out of 23. I figure if I can finish a pattern repeat a night, it will be done in time. (I am currently two repeats behind schedule.)
Good thing her birthday is at the end of July - I can always claim it was supposed to be a birthday gift!
The pattern is actually very easy, except for the 7-into-5 decreases that happen every 8 rows. Those buggers slow me down considerably, and I usually give up on finishing my pattern repeat for the night when I hit one of those rows. I figured out a decent way of working them involving a tiny crochet hook and sliding the stitches down to the cable of the needle. I am going to try to take a photo or a video or something of how it works in case anyone is interested.
Ooh, that will be beautiful!
That design is very pretty with the grey.
That's a beautiful scarf. I love the color. Good luck on finishing for Mother's Day. :)
That looks awesome! I have been hesitant about trying new patterns lately, but this gives me some inspiration.
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