I’d like to thank all the people who sent me email or left comments on my wedding. I really really appreciate it.
For those who are interested, the entire day was wonderful. Not fairy-tale perfect – which isn’t really my thing anyway – but perfect enough for me. I am surprised at how quickly it all went. If you ask me, the ceremony lasted about 4 minutes and the reception no more than an hour. If you ask anyone else, the ceremony was 25 and the reception was 4 hours. I wish I remembered more! Now I just have to sit here and wait patiently for my photo proofs to see everything that went on.
I finished the thank you cards tonight. Besides the photos, I think that was the last wedding related thing I had to do. Awww. I am a little sad. Is it a little premature to be looking forward to when I might have a daughter who is getting married so I can help with the wedding? Yeah, I though so.
But honestly, the best part of the whole thing was having a week off work. We went up to Lake Geneva WI for five days and enjoyed the sun, water, and unhealthy food. It was nice and relaxing - a good use of every single vacation hour I had saved up!
We found a yarn store somewhat nearby (Needles 'n Pins Yarn Shoppe in Delevan, WI) and stopped by one afternoon. (heh. Wonder who’s idea that was…) I only purchased a few things: a skein of Cascade 220 for a felted bunny, the somewhat difficult to find Regia Jubilee in India, and my first ever Koigu KPPPM. It was a great shop - I could have spend a fortune and a few more hours there.

I have a ton more photos I want to post, but don't want to bore people with them. Sometime in the future I am going to set up and online album and just post the link.
OK – thanks everyone for indulging me. This is very shortly going to return to a proper knitting blog. Tomorrow, actually, if I can get my act together!
You just gush all you want. A wedding is a once in a lifetime (well, mostly) event. Indulge yourself. Those who choose not to read it will pass it. Your blog is for you. Enjoy.
BTW, loved the bouquet!
Our family really enjoyed the wedding. It was beautiful and so were you. Your mom and dad were down for the day yesterday and brought the disc with the pictures Bill had taken. We also had some that uncle Joe had made. I am having copies made for you and your parents. Love, Aunt Carol
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