This is the same thumb I slammed in a metal door a few years ago, and which still hurts from that on an almost daily basis. (Actually I think this is why it was so easily injured this time.)
Yes, I am a klutz.
Anyways, I have not been able to work on the denim diamonds socks yet, but did manage a few rows on my Silk Garden scarf tonight.

I took this photo of the snow on my car, which I thought looked pretty cool:

It would be cooler if I could get closer to the snowflake. (haha - cooler - I'm just hilarious....) I took this with the macro setting on my new Olympus All-Weather digital camera. I bet my 30 year old Canon with zoom macro lens could have gotten a better shot (especially with the black and white film that's in it), but it would not have appreciated the falling snow as much.
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