I also used up a ball of stash yarn which I must confess felt just as good as finishing a project.

Pattern: Storm Cloud Shawlette (Ruffle-less Version) by Hanna Breetz On Ravelry here.
Yarn: Elsepeth Lavold Silky Wool, 1 skein
Needles: size 6US Clover Bamboo circs
Started/Finished: May 5, 2009/May 9, 2009
I probably should have used bigger needles for a larger, lacier shawl but I'm happy enough with how it turned out. I knit most of this during the first few nights in our new house when I was distracted by all of the "stuff" - things in boxes, things that needed to be done, things I hadn't gotten used to yet. You can see my distraction in the photo below.

The bottom edge of the shawl is supposed to be straight and mine is more scalloped. I think this was caused by my not really keeping track of the number of plain rows between the increase rows. Whatever. It works, and looks, fine. I think I'll just call it a design element.
This is definitely something I'd knit again. I think it would make a great gift. (When knit correctly, of course.)