Last weekend we did an official "fall is here" thing and went apple picking.
We went to a new place this year,
Apple Holler in Sturtevant, WI. Their orchard is nice a big so even though it was crowded we rarely ran into other people. They also have pear and Asian pear picking in season which I will definitely have to remember for next year.

I came away with almost 30 pounds (yes, you read that correctly) of Macintosh (my fav), Golden Delicious, Ida Red, and maybe a few other types that I can't remember.
I didn't think to take a photo of the stuffed-full bag. Too bad.One of the first things I did the next day was make applesauce. I love homemade applesauce, to the point where i can't eat the watery stuff that comes in a jar. Here is my very easy applesauce "recipe":
Core and chop up enough apples to fill your Crockpot. I used 14 of various types but mostly Macintosh and I left the peels on.

Cook on high for four hours, or until apples are soft and mushy. Strange as it sounds, the apples will actually appear to expand in the crockpot instead of sinking lower as you might expect. Make sure they don't bubble out of the lid. (Ask me how I know...)
When done, scoop into a food processor and blend to a consistancy of your liking. This batch was smooth with just a few small chunks. Add sugar to taste. My favorite is a little bit of "Sugar in the Raw" Turbinado sugar. Yummy! This make about 10 cups of applesauce. (It freezes well, just in case you don't think you can eat 10 cups in a reasonable time span.)
