I followed a basic pattern from The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns and tamped down my obsessive urge to make them match perfectly. I actually purposely made them not match. (Insert deep, cleansing breathe.) And I love them! Truthfully, I thought it would be too fiddly to match the colors up perfectly on the fingers of both hands. I figured completely not matching would be better than almost but not quite matching.

I even dared to put on my wool winter coat in the middle of summer to see how they looked. The long cuff in going to be nice in the winter; the sleeves on the wool coat are a tad too short and I hate having cold air blow up them.
Having never made a glove before, I thought there was no way I'd get the fingers to be even remotely the same (size that is, not color!). Happily, things seemed to work out fine with little effort on my part.
Opal 6-ply sock yarn, color #1127 (from the first batch of 6 ply released, around 2004 maybe?)
size US1 bamboo dpns
The Handy Book of Patterns by Ann Budd, Women's Medium, 7 stitches/inch
I probably could have gone with the small size, there is about an inch of extra fabric on the palm of both gloves. But the fingers to fit perfectly.