Pattern: free from Knitty - Everlasting Bagstopper
Ravelry page: Everlasting Bagstopper
Yarn: Lion Cotton, 1.5 balls
While I did find this pattern a little boring to knit up, it went quickly and I am pleased with the finished product. The handles are two pieces of pink woven webbing from Hobby Lobby, which I attached with my sewing machine for extra strength.
I haven’t had a chance to field test my Bagstopper yet but I did throw a bunch of random thing from around my house in it for an in-use photo op:

(Random things include two remote controls, my keys, my work keys, a burnt out light bulb, an empty pickle jar from the recycling bin, and a ball of yarn.)
I am definitely going to be making more in the future so I can use them on regular grocery shopping trips, not only just-need-a-few-things trips.