Saturday, March 6


Really? March? Wow.

I think the second biggest secret to being an adult is that time moves faster and faster the older you get. (The first is that you will never feel like an "adult" the way you expected to as a kid.)

Aside from the fact that we have had piles and piles of snow dumped upon us this winter, things have been good here. I have been keeping busy with a lot of good things, some of it knitting and fiber related.

Knitting has moved from must-do-every-time-I-sit to a relaxing in bed hobby. I'm fine with this right now, because I'm sure it will cycle around again soon. I've also been itching to spin lately, so I'll probably to that soon. And sew. I've got a pile of sewing projects built up since I hate to drag out my machine and set it up for one little thing.

I've also been trying to read, exercise, and sleep more. See? Plenty busy.

One of my goals for the year (some may call it a New Year's Resolution; I don't) is to enjoy each day and not spend so much time dwelling on the future or the past. It's working. I'm in a good place in my head and things are going well.

I've redone my craft room and added some new (IKEA) furniture. Once I get things picked up and organized a little more, I'll share photos or a video.

I haven't dumped photos from my camera's memory card since Christmas, but I hope to upload them to Flickr soon and start post here more regularly again. I am starting to miss the knitting community and Ravelry - if you can believe it, there have been entire weeks where I haven't logged in!

See you again soon.

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