Even though I love the look of the striping Noro yarns, I knew there was no way I could wear a sweater made of them. (Too bad; I also love the Rosedale and R. United sweaters at Knitty.) I'm jealous of those who can, but the scratch factor is just to high for me. So given that and the fact that I am trying to conserve our limited financial resources, I am using some Plymouth Encore purchased last summer. Of course I wish now that I would have bought the Colorspun Encore - but hindsight and all that.

the front, back, and half a sleeve
color 100% not accurate
I also managed to finish some baby items for The Preemie Project's February donation. (What's with all this finishing stuff? That doesn't sound like me!)

so much for remembering to take a photo at the last minute;
it was difficult to crop out all the junk on the spare bed
They are all kind of random pieces, since I started late and didn't have a coherent idea of what I wanted to make. My Mom mailed me a crocheted blankie she had been working on to include in the donation.

it is really beautiful; my lousy, overexposed photo doesn't do it justice