Thursday, September 25


I'm so happy. My first-ever sock is finished! No picture until next weekend (Oct. 4) when my Dad visits and I can use the "good" digital camera to take a photo. I'm going to start on its mate soon, but I think I need a lighter project first!

The cast-off edge on the sock just about killed me. I re-did it about 3 times, since I wanted to make sure it would be stretchy enough to put on. I ending up using a trick I found online somewhere of increasing 1 st. every other st. on the last row, and then binding off. Seemed to work ok but the edge is kinda ruffley.

In other news, I have a strip of b+w negatives hanging over my bathtub drying right now. Just developed them myself. Yes, I am cool. Gonna go in to the university darkroom tomorrow to print some of them.

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