Free Patterns

Friday, January 12

Sock and a Half

I am going to promise myself not to start any more socks until I finish at least one of the large projects I have going right now. (Could barely even describe one of those to you - it's been so long since they've seen the light of day!) The only problem is I'm afraid I will give in and start another pair of socks anyways since they are the (my) perfect project: small, easy, with zero to little thought necessary, and a rainbow of colors in my sock yarn stash.

I also promise not to start any other new large projects until I finish one already underway. Does anyone else have that problem? It's like I get a high from picking a new pattern - especially on that is unusual in any way - and starting with a fresh ball of yarn, but once I know the stitch pattern and understand how the whole thing comes together I lose interest and begin daydreaming about what could be next.

Here is the only project I am actively working on, originally started as lunch-time knitting before it was too cold to go out and "picnic" in my car at a park by work. (Hey - it wasn't that long ago, we've had a warm winter!)

Opal Southwest socks in progress

Unfortunately, I am not to be capable of leaving them in my car/at work as planned. I keep thinking "I should be working on those socks." I am so determined to finish them this weekend. Because then I can move on to the stack of other unfinished projects...


  1. First I have to say I LOVE the new blog!!

    the socks are very nice... what yarn are you using??

    Baby Bobbi is adorable... I know a couple of babies I could knit that for!!

  2. Your new blog looks great! I'm trying to finish up projects, but am overly tempted by new projects and yarn...
