Free Patterns

Monday, June 19

Long time no post

I feel a little guilty that I haven’t written here in a while. I think about writing often, but never quite have the motivation to sit down and do it.

Part of the problem is that I haven’t done much knitting lately. Not sure if it is the warmer weather or what, but I really haven’t had much desire to knit in the last few weeks. I have been working on a skinny pink cartridge rib scarf every once in a while watching DVDs at night. (We have been watching The Pretender series; I never watched while it was on originally but absolutely love it now. If you are a total nerd like me, you can go read some fanfic.)

Eh. It's not too impressive. Not really even worth a photo yet.

What I have felt like doing is sewing. I recently purchased a half dozen or so patterns for various work-type clothes on sale for $1.99 each at Joann. I also got some fabric to make a few of the pieces, and scored a rotary cutter and large mat for 50% off. The only problem is I have no place to sew! We do not have a kitchen table for the new apartment yet (our old one was too big) and there is no other place I can set up my machine. Yes this does means we have been eating on the couch for over a month now.

Hopefully that can be remedied this week. If not, I am at least going to start cutting out fabric.


  1. Umm... What's wrong with eating meals on the couch? That's what we do, because it's usually hard to see the top of the table.
    I have lost my knitting mojo lately too. I'm blaming it on the weather.
    Can't wait to see your sewing!

  2. Oh nothing is wrong with eating on the couch. =) I don't think we ate at a table once in the old apartment. But this one has brand new carpet and we are pretty much slobs - I have no desire to learn how to clean spagetti sauce out of beige carpeting!!
