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Monday, April 17

Countdown to Moving Day: 7

I can't believe everything that has happened in the last month. It is strange how even when you want something, and know it will happen eventually, it is still kind of a shock.

Reality is really starting to sink in - we are moving; I am starting a new job. I spent some time over the weekend thinking of everything and everyone I am going to miss in Iowa City. We went downtown for some coffee and drove around a few blocks to see the tornado damage from last week. Not really the way I want to end things here - but what can you do.

Packing is going, well, it's just going. The list of things I have to do in the next week is huge! I realized that in a packing frenzy last night, and put all my knitting in a box and taped it shut. I think it is going to have to be unpacked so I have something to keep me sane these next few nights!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Good luck to you girlie! We are SO SO SO going to miss you on Tuesday nights. There will definitely be something missing without you there. I almost feel like we need to leave a chair empty for you! : ) Please keep in touch and continue to post on your blog. I may not comment all of the time but I always read it!

    Best of luck in your new job. It's going to be a great adventure. Everything is going to work out great for you and your hubby. Just continue to think good thoughts.

    You will be missed so much!! Please come back and visit us soon!
