Free Patterns

Saturday, July 15

Some actual knitting for my knitting blog.

It is hot here today. As in upper 90's/low 100's with plenty of humidity. That might not usually be quite so bad, but this is the first heat wave we have really had this summer so my body is not used to it at all. So I am kind of dragging today, although I have lots of stuff I want to get done.

I am finally knitting something again. This is going to be Diamonique from the Jems Collection over at SaunShine. I just love her patterns - most of them are on my "to be knit" list. The yarn I am using is Dale Svale purchased at Crazy Girl yarn shop in Muscatine about a half a lifetime ago. (Actually it's probably closer to two years.)

So I am working on this, a sock, and some small sewing projects sporadically during the week. I would love to have a weekend of nothing but crafty endeavors, but so far it hasn't happened.

Sometimes I wish there weren't so many things I always want to do: knit, sew, **insert any other craft**, play on the internet, blog, play with my digital camera, watch DVDs, sleep, read, play video games, cook, sleep, shop, write, be outside, watch baseball, watch NASCAR, see friends/family, sleep... plus all the stuff I don't really want to do but have to anyways (work, drive to work, grocery shop, wash dishes, clean the bathroom, find something to wear every morning...). My husband says I shouldn't wish to be boring; I at least wish I didn't have so much guilt for not getting to things!