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Sunday, July 18

A month is a long time...

First of all,  let me tell you that I finished the second multieffect toe up sock except for the double-knitted bind off.  I have not had the time or patience to work on that.  Why?
Well, as of today I am going out of town for a field project/class for a whole month.   Have you ever tried to pack for a month?  It's not easy.  Mostly because I am going to outside working with soil every day. Not to mention taking care of everything at home that needs to be done in that time.   (Oh, and no photo since the camera is packed.)
I'm not sure how much free time I am going to have, but I am bringing a little knitting project in case I get a chance to work on it.   The good news is I will have internet access, so I will be able to post and check my email during that time to let people know I am still alive.  (But don't expect much knitting content!)
(I'll especially make sure to post on August 1st - my birthday - since I am not going to be able to celebrate with my friends and family!)
Wish me good luck and good weather!
I can tell I am going to miss the whole online knitbloggers scene already!

Sunday, July 11


Nothing like being out of town for almost four days to fill up your inbox AND your mailbox! I received my first package from my secret pal. You can take a peek at the goodies inside:

It's perfect! I love getting mail, and this was such a treat to open.

Since this is a knitting blog, not a NASCAR racing blog, I'll forgo with the details of where I was this weekend and skip right to the progress on my sock. I am two color bands away (my way of judging length in self-patterning yarn!) from starting the double-knitted bind off. Yay!

Tuesday, July 6

A short week

Between the holiday on Monday, and a vacation day on Friday, I only have three days of work this week. Wahoo!

Over the weekend, I made some major progress on the second Multieffect sock.

I took notes while making the heel on first sock, but they didn't really seem sufficient while I was working on the second. I ended up guessing on a lot of things - you can see how the pattern changes around the heel area on the second sock compared to the first one. But that seems to be the only visible difference. True to my history, the second one fits much better than the first so far. Oh well.

I joined the Six Sox Knitalong, , in hopes that I will be able to finish a pair of socks in a reasonable amount of time! (Does anyone even remember how long I have been working on this current pair of socks? It's sad.)

I hope everyone in the U.S had a fun and safe 4th of July weekend. Besides baseball, fireworks and bottle rockets, I also got to play with my Dad's new toy:

If anyone reading this actually cares, it's a Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide Low Rider. (Kindly ignore the sloppy t-shirt and disastrous wind-blown hair. Thanks.)

I'm off to continue on my sock!